A team of 2 golfers will participate in the competition. The average of the 2 golfers stableford score will be used to compute the team score.
The stableford system with adjustment for handicaps will be used. Stableford is a scoring system in golf that awards points for the number of strokes taken on each hole in relation to par, rather than simply counting your strokes (like in stroke play). Unlike in stroke play, where you want the lowest score, your goal in Stableford scoring is to have the highest score.
Standard Stableford points values are:
- 0 Points – Double Bogey or Worse (Two strokes or more over par)
- 1 Point – Bogey (One stroke over par)
- 2 Points – Par
- 3 Points – Birdie (One stroke under par)
- 4 Points – Eagle (Two strokes under par)
- 5 Points – Albatross/Double Eagle (Three strokes under par)
- 6 Points – Condor (Four strokes under par)
Official handicap as captured under Singapore Golf Association’s Centralised Handicapping System (CHS, https://chs.sga.org.sg) will be factored in to allow players of varying skill levels to compete more closely.
A 5-handicap golfer would get one stroke on the five most difficult holes of the course. “Par” for these five holes would increase by one stroke. If one of the five toughest holes was a par-4, it would play as a par-5 for this golfer, meaning they’d receive par points if they shot a 5 on the hole.
A 20-handicap golfer would get one stroke for every hole, plus an additional stroke for the two most challenging holes on the 18-hole course. If the most difficult hole was a par-4, it would play as a par-6 for a 20-handicap golfer. A score of 5 would award them birdie points.